Portland 2001
23-25 August 2001
Portland, Indiana

The Big Engines

Muncie Oil Engine

MPEG of the Muncie Engine Running

Jim French's Birthday Present (Tillie)

MPEG of Jim's Tillie
MPEG of (trying to) Start the Tillie
MPEG of Tillie Starting

Steve Webre's New Simplex

ATIS Dinner at the Back 40

ATIS Charity Auction

Little Lisa

Little Lisa's new pet (with titanium teeth)

Dave gives Little Lisa the knickers that he bought for her at the Charity Auction

Helen giving an interview

Ruth with her newly running Maytag

Glenn's new Maytag fixer

Keith Munter with his beautiful Ruston Hornsby

I fell in love with this little Bessemer

Owner of the Julian in the following pictures

I love this Witte Diesel Generator set

Dave giving "Dolly" to Cheryl