Laurel Valley Plantation Fall Festival
8 October 2000
Thibodeaux, Louisiana

St. Mary's Oil Engine

MPEG of St. Mary's Engine running

Jay Bernard's Display

Jay with the museum's IH LB that he just got started.

Flywheel from Jay's Briggs

Shaft from Jay's Briggs. There are burrs that cause the flywheel not to seat properly.

Jay's Briggs

Jay's fan collection

A very nice (OSHA compliant) fan

This is Jay.

Jay exercising with his Maytag.

A real smoking maytag

Ernest Felterman's Working Display

MPEG of Ernest Felterman's Working Display

John Smietana's Display of Model Engines

Civil War Cannon Demonstration

Bob Mayeux's Regal Marine Engine

1922 2 Cylinder Regal

MPEG of Regal Marine Engine

Dick Gibben's "New" Model T

Ralph Olmstead's Overland

Ralph & Therese returning from church

1913 Model 69 Overland

Working Model Steamboat

Don Keller

Making Cane Syrup

Phil Aucoin pouring the syrup into jars

Various Marine Engines

Nick Bettivey with his Sandow stationary engine

The Sandow engine, a Detroit marine engine

Jamie Hurry's Caille on the left and Chalmers Davidson's Caille on the right.

J.B. Castagnos starting Chalmers Davidson's engine

J.B. and Chalmers working on Chalmers' engine.

J.B. and Chalmers Davidson

Another shot of the Sandow

Jamie Hurry caught off-guard

An appropriate warning